A little overated but still fantastic
I do like these movies after i saw part A i went to your site to watch them all and they kept me entertained for the time i watched them. Your story line is good up until the part where the fight for the orb, i won't ruin anything for anyone but i'm sure you know what i'm talking about, then i felt it went downhill.
I do like your incorporation of the 3d models. other than the overused apache that wasn't even made by you, that was a bit of a dissapointment but animators are by no means modelers or riggers. I also liked the look of the guns although they were a little boxy but i'm glad you didn't jsut go download perfectly detailed models then use them, it shows commitment.
I'm curious though did you retrace or somehow import just the gun into your scene, i tried to add one 3d object to a scene once but couldn't get it to just follow the outline, oh well another time to talk about that
Although your graphics are just sticks its clear that really any other type of drawing either wouldn't fit, or be to hard to animate, you really couldn't do anything inbetween sticks and full detailed characters, and tweening if done improperly ruins movies.
The sound is crystal clear and i really enjoyed the voice acting it helped make the movie, nice job on the scientist i noticed that was one of the only characters you did but you did it very well, nothing like a sterotypical sounding genious.
Your writing is good along with your style and its hard to find flaws in the movie other than things like the boxy gun and overused camera angels in such. but that is being so nitpicky theres not much sense in you listening to them.
in all honesty though i don't believe this deserves a 4.3 but i'm sure that will level out with time once people realize it isn't better then the xombies and deserves a spot somewhere in the 40-100s of all time.
Nice job though you display an incredible amount of skill and have mastered stickmen, i hope you apply this to your next feature and make something that isn't stick.