Aha Good Addition once you learn
When I first started I didn't notice you could infect neighboring countires =P. I finished with a score of high 500's putting me in the top scores not bad considering it's on the front page.
I've noticed many people complaining about the degree of difficulty but it's really simple once you addopt a plan. Personally on my first turn I ALWAYS add 1 to infectivity and 1 to drug resistance, I hit next turn and then add another point to infectivity. With my remaining points I spread the virus in the current country, end turn, spread, untill it's completely infected, I then infect one surrounding country and infect it's entire population, then the next and so on and so forth.
Once you have the entire population of all the surrounding countires infected go to the country with the highest living population infect the airport and hope i it hits another continent, just reapeat untill you get another country, infect it's entire population infect surrounding countires airport. The only trouble is to know when to attack the cure, I usually attack once it's been 5 or so turns at 3/5ths complete. The rest you can figure out.
Great Game though, much more replay value then the last, this one was considerably more strategy and less luck, even though each infet is a roll of the dice. The graphics need work and so does the sound. One short loop gets rather frustrating if your playing the game more than once. I found myself muting the sound. The gameplay is good I just wish water infectivity was more helpful, never seemed to do much.
Overall improve the graphics and the sound and you got one hell of a game (I noticed on your site your looking for artists, so at least your taking the inntaitive)